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Details of MULTISORB Trademark

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Trademark : MULTISORB      Class : 1 
(1) Multisorb Technologies, Inc.,
Advertised bef acc
Odor and volatile and gas absorbent chemicals in bulk, packet, strip, tablet, molded, bag, label, cartridge, canister and cap form; oxygen absorbing chemiclas in paket, strip, card, canister, tablet, sheet, film, extruded and label form; liquid absorbing chemicals in packet, bulk or sheet form; desiccants in bulk, packet, bag, label, tablet, molded, cartridge, canister and cap, hot melt and tape, card, extruded, paper, and thermoformed bag form; moisture adsorbing/emitting preparations capable of regulating humidity; chemicals namely desiccants, odor and volatile absorbers, and oxygen absorbers; liquid absorbers to prevent spilling.

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*Trademark information is in beta phase.It is not to be used for legal purposes.If there are any discrepancies, please contact us at [email protected]

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