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Details of WAT Trademark

3 records found
Trademark : WAT      Class : 38 
(1) Wat-we Are Talented
Advertised bef acc
Services of press and news bureaus; delivery and transmission of dispatches and messages; services of data transmission, in particular, of transmission by packet, delivery and transmission of computerized documents, electronic mail services; services of telephone and telecommunications call forwarding; transmission by satellite; broadcasting of television programs and more generally of multimedia programs (conversion to computerized format of text and/or images, still or animated, and/or sounds, musical or not) for interactive use or not; telex services, transmission of information by teletype; communication by computer terminals; services of information transmission via data ommunications for purposes of accessing information contained in data banks and image banks; services of communication (transmission) by computer networks in general; transmission service via internet; rental services for computing, remote computing and data communications devices and instruments, that is: telephone, telecommunications devices, fax machines, devices for the transmission of messages, and modems; rental of access time to a database server center; subscription services for third parties to digital electronic or nonelectronic publications; subscription to a data communications service; subscription to a television channel; radio and television programs and more generally broadcasts of audiovisual and multimedia programs (conversion to computerized format of text and/or images, still or animated, and/or sounds, musical or not) for interactive use or not
1 Quai du Point du Jour, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France
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Trademark : WAT      Class : 41 
(1) Wat-we Are Talented
Advertised bef acc
Teaching and training services, education and entertainment services; cultural and sporting events; correspondence courses; editing and publishing of texts (other than advertising copy), illustrations, books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, and reviews, publications of all types and formats (other than for advertising purposes) including electronic and digital publications (other than advertising) of audio and/or visual media, of multimedia, (interactive discs, audio-digital read-only compact discs), multimedia programs (conversion to computerized format of text and/or images, still or animated), of games and particularly of audiovisual or televisual games, games on compact disc and audiodigital compact disc, or in magnetic format; editing of radio and television programs, of audiovisual and multimedia programs (conversion to computerized format of text and/or images, still or animated, and/or sounds, musical or not) for interactive use or not; organizing of contests of an educational or entertainment nature, of games (entertainment); production of radio and television news and entertainment programs, of audiovisual and multimedia programs (conversion to computerized format of text and/or images, still or animated, and/or sounds, musical or not), for interactive use or not; organizing of shows; service of artistic production and rental of films and cassettes including video cassettes, and more generally of audio and/or visual media, of multimedia, (interactive discs, audio-digital read only compact discs); games library services, that is: organizing of games (entertainment); production of video tape, photographic documentaries; writing of screen plays; translation services; recording (filming) on video tape; production of films, of records, of audiovisual programs and shows; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; rental of cinematic films, of video tapes, of sound recordings; training of animals, agencies for artists; production of television programs; discotheque services; film studios; music hall and orchestra services; events planning (entertainment)
1 Quai du Point du Jour, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France
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Trademark : WAT      Class : 42 
(1) Wat-we Are Talented
Advertised bef acc
Website hosting (internet); services provided by a franchisor, that is transfer (sharing) of expertise, licensing, royalty management, assembly, design (development) and management of legal data banks and databases; programming for electronic devices and instruments, for computers, remote computing and data communications systems, for multimedia equipment, programming of multimedia content; rental services for computing, remote computing, and data communications devices and instruments, that is: computers, software for computers, scanners, for cd burners, for printers and printer peripherals; design (development) of sites on global computer networks.
1 Quai du Point du Jour, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France
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*Trademark information is in beta phase.It is not to be used for legal purposes.If there are any discrepancies, please contact us at [email protected]

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