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Details of Quincy Trademark

1 records found
Trademark : Quincy      Class : 11 
(1) Lalita Prasad
Formalities Chk Pass
Installation for heating, lighting. refrigerating, cooking, cooling, ventilating, drying, steam generating, air conditioners, water purification, heaters, coolers, desert coolers, room coolers, water coolers, immersion rods, fans, exhaust fans, ceiling fans, fresh air fans, trans air fans, ventilating fans, flexi fans, wall fans, cabin fans, multi purpose fans, excel fans, pedestal fans (farrata fans). cfl & gsl lamps 8i tubes & bulbs, table lamps, toasters, heat convector, geysers, filaments electric geysers, instant lpg water heaters, heating elements, electric heating irons, air dryers, hair dfyers, electric hot plates for cooking, electric oven, water boiler, electric gas lighters, gas stoves, electric cooking apparatus & electric cooking utensils, electric kettles, chimneys (blower), tube light & electric emergency light torches water supply & sanitafy purposes
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*Trademark information is in beta phase.It is not to be used for legal purposes.If there are any discrepancies, please contact us at [email protected]

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