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Unlisted companies incorporated in Secunderabad and having status as Converted To Llp And Dissolved

Secunderabad  Unlisted  Converted to LLP and Dissolved 
13 Companies FoundPage 1 of 1
U45200TG1989PTC010483 TRILEKHA PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U70100TG1962PLC000903 DURGA INDUSTRIAL ESTATES LTD Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U28112TG1985PTC005272 SUPER STRUCTURAL STEELS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U24134TG1987PTC007561 AGASTHYA POLYPLASTS PVT LTD Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U74210TG1970PTC001349 MINICON INSULATED WIRES PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U01119TG2007PTC054609 ZINNIA AGROFARMS PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U63020TG2013PTC087167 KAY LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U01119TG2007PTC055134 HONEY DEW AGROFARMS PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U45200TG2007PTC052705 SUMMIT HOUSING PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U70102TG2004PTC043128 METICULOUS PROPERTIES PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U01210TG1966PTC001108 NAGPAL NAIDU FARMS PVT LTD Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U74999TG2007PTC054804 SMILAX CORPORATE SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved
U70102TG2005PTC047095 PNP HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED Hyderabad Converted to LLP and Dissolved

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*Industry classification is derived from National Industrial Classification. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industrial classification.

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